Monday, October 1, 2007

How to Pinpoint Accomplishments That Will Make Your Resume Shine

I am submitting this post a day late because the internet was down on campus last night, 9/30/07.

This article reveals how important listing your accomplishments on your resume can be. A New York-based executive search firm was quoted saying he places, "three times as much value on results versus responsibilities on a resume." When I read this I began thinking of my own accomplishments and how I could make them stand out. Career Journal gave 5 pieces of advice on how to make this possible which were:
1. Ditch the modesty
2. Review a Performance Checklist
3. Use Job Evaluations
4. Measure your results
5. Cite Recognition

Of the five pieces of advice given, the one I feel would be most effective was citing what things you have accomplished. You may think the name of an award you were given completely describes why you were chosen but explain why you were such a good candidate. Explaining this may make your skills more apparent to your possible employers.

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